Keep Up with your Location
Engine loss at the flight levels? Ask for the widest and longest with the best emergency equipment. Do not pick the one where you car is located, your family lives, or they have restaurants, hotels and taxis.
Hitting a 10,000 foot 250 wide military field is a lot easier at night than a 5,000 foot, 100 foot wide airport near your home.
If your long or short the 10,000 foot military field is your best choice. Make sure you have insurance (liability) or the military will not let you leave.
When we work with pilots in the Twin Cessna Aircraft we put them at narrow and short runways at night in low ceilings and then we put them at long wide runways with an ILS. You will be surprised how successful bad approaches and landings are when you have lots of runway and lots of width. The lighting alone makes for successful landings.
Declaring an Emergency?
All rules go out the window. You get priority and in an emergency priority is what you need in an emergency. Just make sure you get an aviation attorney before you answer questions.
Taxi In – Ground Says: “We need for you to copy a number and call us”
Do not call. I tell pilots as an attorney try to figure out what your did and make a NASA form but there is specific language you need to put in the form. As my pilots who I train say to me “I am calling you!” Seriously, there are some specifics to be put in the filing. Remember, that the form gets you out of negligence not intentional torts.
How Far Can I Go One Engine in a Twin Cessna?
Farther than you think. A good sim training sessions with an actual Twin Cessna pilot who fly the aircraft can show you that it is longer than you think. What you need to be able to do is to handle that aircraft on one engine, stabilized and ready for the landing.
Rick McGuire
Aircraft Simulator Training
Attorney at Law