Scenario One
One person in a Cessna 340 with fuel only in the tip tanks. It loses an engine and it only has the 310 horse power, 520 engines and three blade props. Will if fly? Of course it will on one engine and probably even if you are sloppy and have no remembrance of those crazy FAA procedures (they are a walking time bomb).
Scenario Two
Now put 6 people in that 340 and put 300 pounds of baggage. Also, every fuel tank is full of fuel. Now will it fly on one engine? Probably not.
At AST we teach a program that somewhere between scenario one and scenario two the plane will fly and climb. This is a variable and the more training you have, especially in the way we train pilots with our four step process, the advantage is yours. We have had pilots we work with who have had 5 people on a 340 and lost an engine and still maintained altitude. In fact they were able to pull the engine power back on the good engine that was running.
The FAA method is antiquated. The procedures that have been used for single engine operations are “backwards.”
At AST we know we are saving planes and that means we are saving lives. We get the proof from pilots who train with us. Our system is so simple but some facilities are still teaching the most strangest and antiquated and outdated and just plan “stupid” method of single engine failure management. Pilots who start with us have no idea what they are going to do on an engine failure. How do we know? We give them an example of a simple takeoff engine failure, show them the panel of the aircraft with the left engine out and they have no idea what to do next.
I do not know what else to write on this subject. I just don’t understand why we are making twin piston engine failure so hard with an idiotic program related to recovery that just does not make sense.
Train Hard. Fly Safe