Frequently Asked Questions

No. When you contact us to train, we work with you to plan a program to specifically meet your needs. We will put you in the sim and see what you need to work on to upgrade your skills. Our belief is that every person is different in what they need and how they train.
We do initial and recurrent packages for twin training as required by the insurance companies. We also have a twin engine single engine training package that focuses on the loss of an engine and returning to an airport.
You would not believe what we can throw at you in your type of aircraft. We had a pilot who asked us if we could set up his aircraft and show him how it would act in icing. Even though the aircraft had deice and anti ice he was shocked how precarious the flight parameters were when his aircraft was loaded with ice. We were also able to work with him on staying out of ice and controlling his plane if he got into ice.
The pause button. We can stop and show you what we think should be occurring and how you are reacting. We then discuss with you or demonstrate the best way handle the situation. We then push the pause button again and pickup right where you left off. Try that in an airplane.
Look at all the gray hair in the pictures. Seriously, our instructor are not only instructors but active pilots with a varied amounts of experience.
One word, wow! Seriously, we have had pilots come to work with us and initially they were not real sure they needed this piece of equipment to help them become a better trained pilots. Fifteen minutes later, their minds were changed. As one pilot said, “This sim is the most challenging piece of aviation equipment I have ever worked with. I will continue.”.
Our phone is answered 24/7. You can either call our office or send in a contact form with your information. We will contact you and discuss what you want or need in training. We strongly suggest besides calling that you send the contact form so we can reply by email and have that in our system.
If you are working on an initial or recurrent training or the one-day emergency twin training please contact us six (6) weeks out if possible. We try to schedule to accommodate all pilots so please try to let us know as soon as you can about the need for insurance training. Also you can ask your insurance carrier for a 60 day extension for an extension to a training date. Rick McGuire, who is an attorney, has stated that the carriers have no problems extending a date if requested in most cases.
Absolutely. We have a concierge service inside the company that can help with any need you have.
Our primary training is for cabin class pressurized aircraft training focusing on initial insurance requirements as well as recurrent and the one-day emergency training. These cases cover not only sim operations but maintenance and system problems in flight.
- Cessna 310, Cessna 340, Cessna 414 and 414A, Cessna 421
- Beech Baron and Baron turbo charged, Seneca, Piper Seneca and Piper Chieftain
- Beechcraft Baron
- Piper Malibu/Meridian
- Piper Cheyenne, Pilatus PC12, King Air 90 and 200, and Beech 1900D
- Cessna Citation 501 and 550
Yes, we have a stand alone G1000 sim.
All training is done by appointment. Please contact us as soon as possible for a date to train and questions.