Staci S. McGuire
Staci is the primary owner of Aircraft Simulator Training and is the person behind the contacts and scheduling. AST, due to their reputation, has a heavy scheduling that sometimes is as much as 8 weeks out. Staci is personally responsible for setting up the scheduling, managing the day-to-day operations and working with all the many pilots we have repeated yearly schedules as required by the insurance companies. She works with Jessica, Trish, Chuck, Jim, Gary, Stephen, and Pete along with the maintenance team that keeps our many aircraft up to FAA standards. She works with our Houston office to make sure all the certificates are signed off and sent to the insurance carriers and pilots.
Staci works with numerous insurance carriers who actually send pilots to AST. She is the person that gets the problems solved on insurance requirements. Staci worked with several law firms in dealing with insurance companies so she “talks the language.”
Staci owns rental properties and office buildings in her management company and has built new and remodeled high-end homes and buildings. She has worked with contractors and sub-contractors in many building projects. She owns and developed the hangers and office building that houses AST. She is involved in the second project for AST and that is new King Air simulator training facility and building. It will be the most modern King Air simulator with full motion.
Staci has been in management with a major cellular company in sales and was an award-winning sales manager. She owns a media marketing company that developed television commercials for law firms and has been involved in all the outside advertising for AST. Staci is a licensed realtor and has worked with high end property sales and buildings sales and developments. She is a people person who feels strongly about making aviation safer.
Staci has spent hours flying in all types of aircraft, but her job is in the back of the aircraft. AST is what it is because of Staci and her vision of putting together the safest training program for General Aviation.

Owner, Lead Instructor, Aviation Accident Attorney
Rick McGuire started flying in 1969. He started teaching as a certified flight instructor in 1975. He has a background as a former military officer, an owner of multiple businesses including aviation 135 operations, flight training facilities and aviation maintenance facilities. Rick has handled numerous aviation accident cases in his 30 plus years as a personal injury attorney. He has worked with aviation facilities as it pertains to their legal requirements and has been a television commentator for aviation related topics. He has tried numerous cases and has been involved in multi million dollar settlements. His firm also helps aviation companies as a legal advisor and attorney and has been a coverage counsel attorney for aviation maintenance facilities and FBO’s. His law firm also represents injured passengers in commercial and air carrier operations. His first love has always been aviation and aviation training.
Rick has a mechanical background from working on engines and equipment since he was twelve years old. He has worked as an electrician, farm equipment, working for major farm implement company in the field and working in parts and sales. He worked for Uniroyal in the tire industry and operated as an owner of a large tire and vehicle service center engaged in retreading as well as large commercial tire products and aviation tires. He also owned an HVAC company. He has been involved in maintenance of aircraft and their components.
Rick has more than 18,000 hours in multiple aircraft. He specializes in Twin Cessna training from 310s through 421s. He also is a Mooney training specialist and has numerous hours training in Mooney aircraft, as well as numerous hours in King Airs, and Cessna Citations. He owns a highly modified Cessna 340, a Cessna 421C, and a M20 Mooney that is used for training and other aircraft. He also trains instrument students and conducts Instrument Competency Checks and Instrument Proficiency Checks.
Rick is a single engine, multi engine, instrument flight instructor who has numerous hours in Piper Navajo, Beechcraft Baron, Piper Seneca, Aztec, Piper Twin Comanche, Beech Dukes, and all the twin Cessna aircraft. He is an Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor. He has an Aircraft Dispatcher License for Turbojet Aircraft and an airline background.
Rick handles aviation accidents from small aircraft to large commercial aircraft. He has the expertise to determine causes of accidents and put the blame on the people or companies that caused the accident. He is always available to discuss an aviation accident case.
Chuck Crisefi
Chuck has a 121/135 background and we are proud to have him work with us. He is extremely knowledgeable in working with pilots on instrument refresher and emergency procedures. Chuck has developed several of our programs where we’ve added training that you cannot get in the plane. The loss of an engine at 100 feet AGL and being able to put it back on the runway, you cannot learn this in the plane as it is dangerous. Chuck works with you to show the correct way to get a 7,000 pound Twin Cessna or a Baron back on the runway. You cannot just “chop the throttles.” Chuck works pilots on high altitude take offs and high airport operations.
Chuck is just a great instructor and really enjoys making the pilots who train with us his friends.
Andrew Walter
Senior Instructor – Airline
Andrew is an Air Force pilot who has flown for Mesa Airlines, Spirit Airlines and is a pilot for Delta Airlines on the MD 88/90. He has also been rated in the Air Force as an Instructor on the C-21 (LR-35) and was qualified as a pilot on the C-5A/B/C. He is a very progressive instructor who with our staff has created more aggressive training programs for our pilots who train with us. An ATP rated pilot, he is also a CFII-MEI Andrew is the ultimate instructor who puts the pilot he is training first.
Jessica Ogden
Twin Cessna Instructor
Instrument Flight Training Manager
Jessica is a CFI, CFI-II and a MEI. She has a Bachelors in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle and is presently working on her Masters. She is highly qualified in Twin Cessna Aircraft and especially in the 421 series. She flies a 421C on a regular basis and is ready to help Twin Cessna pilots in our training program become more proficient. She has a commercial flight background and numerous hours in the aircraft as an instructor. Her background also included time as a Assistant Chief Flight Instructor in a Part 141 operation. She is headed for the Air Force and her abilities are the type of Air Force pilot we look for at AST.
Pete Diaz
Senior Instructor – Multi Engine, High End Aircraft Training, 310 Instructor
Pete is a MEI and Instrument Instructor with years of expertise from DC-6 aircraft through the 737 as a Captain with United/Continental. In between he has flown the DC-9 and MD-80 along with the Boeing 727 and Airbus A-300. He is a former Air Force Crew Chief on the F-4 Phantom. Pete owns and flies a Cessna 310Q and teaches the 310 program to our 310 pilots. We are honored to have him work with us. He brings a lot of experience in helping us train pilots the right way.
Turboprop and Jet Training Department

Gary Lash
Gary Lash, a retired American Airlines Captain, is our Lead Turbrop and Jet Instructor for our King Air (90, 200, 350), Conquest and other Turboprop aircraft. He also works with initial and recurrent Citation pilots. Our full motion sim is fully adaptable to the King Air and other turboprop aircraft as well as the Cessna Citation.
Gary has more than 26.000 flight hours and not only is rated as a flight and ground instructor in fixed wing but also helicopter. Gary was a Army Cobra pilot and was an honor graduate of the US Army Flight School. He was an instructor in the UH-1. Gary continues to fly the turboprop aircraft he instructs on at AST and he instructs in the turboprop aircraft.
Gary is like all of our instructors, a very caring and knowledgeable instructor who loves to teach. He puts everything he can in getting the pilot qualified and safe. He has that ability to impart his knowledge that makes you feel comfortable in training. He is just a great instructor and a nice guy.

Jim Minton
Pilot – Turboprop-Jet Training Manager
Jim Minton is the Turboprop/Jet Manager. He is tasked with management of training operations assuring the training being received by the pilots in fact meets their requirements and that any additional training needs are met. Jim works with Gary Lash our lead turboprop/jet instructor setting up training programs and with our scheduling department for the pilot. He can also be observed sitting at the instructors station initializing faults including inclement weather such as microbursts thereby making a great team. With two instructors the client receives the full benefit of our full motion simulators.
Beginning his aviation career more than 40 years ago, he has worked in specialized operations domestic and internationally for the U. S. Department of State, DEA, and U. S. Customs. Additionally, he has experience as a liaison between the Federal Aviation Administration and specific branches of the federal government including, but not limited to; the U. S. DOJ (FBI-Quantico), U. S. Customs ICE, and the BLM Bureau of Land Management. Specifically, with training, airspace management, technical writing, and obtaining approval and acquisition of COA’s (Certificate of Authorizations) from the FAA for these agencies to conduct specific operations.
He has owned an aircraft and management firm specializing in the operation and management of Beechcraft King Airs. He has a vast amount of experience in researching aviation accident data acquiring available information from public resources on air crashes involving King Airs, Cessna 425 and 441 aircraft. Causative factors and chain of events that lead to the incident/accident are reviewed for training applicability and can then be implemented into turboprop training at AST. Specifically, by class participation/discussion and recreation (partial/full) in the full motion simulator. This training saves lives while protecting the air asset of the AST client. Jim is licensed as a single and multi engine pilot and understands the value of training and the inherent risks the aviation industry poses.

Charles Hernandez
Senior Instructor (King Air – Twin Engine Recipe)
Charles joined our team in May of 2024, he came to us after 14 years of active duty U.S. Army service. He began his service in the infantry for 8 years before getting accepted to flight school. After finishing Initial Rotary Wing training he graduated 2nd in his class allowing him to gain entry into the fixed wing program. Since graduating flight school he has served overseas in Korea flying VIPs throughout the Pacific, later moving to Fort Hood to serve as Pilot in Command and Unit Trainer for the 15th Military Intelligence Battalion. He has attended multiple courses to including but not limited to Alaska bush pilot, UPRT, Single and multi engine sea plane, and Flight Fundamentals Incorporated which make him a well rounded aviator. He holds ratings for Single Engine Land and Sea, Airline Transport Pilot, Multi Engine Sea, and Rotorcraft. He has served in multiple combat tours both on the ground as an Infantryman, and in the air as an Aviator. As the primary instructor for new aviators in the Army he has made a smooth transition into our training curriculum, allowing for him to continue to teach and train our clients on how to handle emergencies and real world problems to keep you and your passengers safe in the aircraft.

Sam Shearer
Instructor – Twin Engine Emergencies and Instruments Training

Adam Morrell
Instructor – Twin Recip – Cessna, Baron, and Turboprop
Adam is an Active Duty Army pilot with commercial & instrument rating in rotorcraft, and is an ATP rated pilot in fixed wing aircraft. He has type ratings in Beechcraft King Air 200 and 300. He actively trains army pilots in mission profiles, tactical maneuvers, and refines their overall capability to operate turboprop aircraft in a multitude of operating envelopes. Adam is well versed in handling emergencies in multi engine propeller aircraft and works diligently with our clients to ensure they are confident in handling these incidents should they occur in real life. Our military instructors will teach you real life emergencies and give you detailed training in instrument procedures.