One of the passengers on the plane the day the engine failed had the FBO guy take our picture as we were leaving. I found where the passenger had posted it on Facebook and blurred the names and I’m giving it to you for AST if you want to add to your powerpoint.
These were the guys on board when it happened. We are not light weights. I’m around 210. Minimal baggage, typically only dirty clothes in paper sacks. The trip uses 100 gallons so I load tips and nacelle tanks for 140 on the return trip. On the trip up I drain the AUX tanks so I know my fuel load with the guys onboard. Admittedly it would have been difficult to lose one on departure as field elevation is 3000 Runway 5700ft. I always keep that thought up front. This was a cool October morning in Texas panhandle. We were at 15k when it happened
Thank you for all you’ve done helping me over the years with flight training.