Testimonial 58

Fellow Twin Cessna Pilots,

I just returned from Cessna 414A recurrent training at AST in Burnet, Texas. I am pleased to be able to confirm the countless positive comments that I had heard and read prior to attending. The atmosphere was casual with a professional aircraft systems presentation by the incredibly knowledgeable lead instructor Rick McGuire. The instruction was scenario based with an emphasis on the most common problem areas and “gotchas” associated with these complex aircraft. Chuck and Steve handled the simulator training and provided a relaxed, non- intimidating learning environment with a heavy emphasis on engine loss at low altitude. The AST 4-step approach to handling an engine failure at low altitude emphasizes aircraft control and rapid drag reduction that these aircraft require to keep flying. These procedures will, and have, quite literally save lives.

Jessica provided my flight-check and I could not have been more impressed with her knowledge, patience, and encouraging demeanor.

I have flown for over 50 years with the majority of that time in an airline career including 20 years as a check airman. Over that period I received and administered a great deal of training and checking. I can comfortably state that the two days of training that I received at AST was some of the most useful, pertinent, and enjoyable I’ve ever experienced.

Additionally, AST made provisions for my non-current, pilot wife to receive some simulator instruction that left her not only thrilled with the experience, but confident in her ability to fly, and land our aircraft.

Thank you AST for a sharpening, confidence building experience that all light twin pilots should receive. I look forward to next year.

Captain (retired) Southwest Airlines
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