I have tons more confidence flying my airplane and really do know what to do in the event of an engine failure instead of guessing what to do like I was doing. In the Simulator I got to fly with Chuck who is second to none as an instructor. Your philosophy on single engine flight is easy to remember and tons more effective than anything else I have ever learned.
Twin Cessna Insurance Training
Insurance required training or becoming a safer pilot, Aircraft Simulator Training can help you achieve your objective with our intense and individualized training. We tailor to fit your level of experience
Twin Cessna Training
We offer initial and insurance qualification training in all Twin Cessna piston powered aircraft including the 340, 421 (B&C), 414 (A), 310 (all models), 401, 402, and 404, and 335.
Intro to Twin Cessna in 340 or 421C Aircraft – For Prospective Buyers
Aircraft Simulator Training offers introduction training in either our 340 or our 421C. If you are interested in purchasing one of these type of aircraft.
Beechcraft Baron Twin Engine Training
At Aircraft Simulator Training, we train for Beech twins from the Travelaire and the 55 through 58 Barons, including the 58P in our full motion.
What Pilots have to say about our Twin Piston Simulator and Instructors.
David A
Cessna 310 Pilot
I just finished a 3 day initial training program for the C414. All I can say is this is the type of simulator based training I have been looking for over the past several years. It is simply invaluable training. Great systems knowledge and practical maintenance advice. But the highlight is the simulator training.
Simply stated, you are exposed to emergency situations you simply can not accomplish in the aircraft. The training is tailored to your experience and background and you get to really become proficient at handling engine failures. I flew in the military and I currently fly with a major airlines. This training is in that league. I definitely will go back. As a final bonus, it is a far better value than offered by the big firms. Train with these guys; you will not be disappointed.
Just wrapped up a 3 day initial for the 310. I learned more than I thought I needed to know. They definitely cater to you, it’s not a canned course. There isn’t a syllabus, per se. They just talk to you, and fly with you. They can tell what you need.
I’m pretty sure they were both expecting a pretty difficult student when I walked in the door. I might be the first guy to do so with absolutely zero multi time in my logbook. I mean zero. I’ve ridden in a twin exactly twice. 😯 They were patient, and let me make mistakes, and then showed me why I made them. By the end of the third day (today!) I feel extremely confident I can handle any emergency my new plane can throw at me.
Thanks Rick & Mike! I’ll be back soon!
Thanks to those who have previously posted reviews about Rick McGuire and AST in Burnet, Texas. As I frequently visit the Texas Hill Country, I read those favorable reviews with interest and elected to schedule my recurrent training this year with Rick at AST. I’m glad I did. It was the best two days of training I have received in 40+ years of flying; and after owning a C340A for 18 years and attending annual recurrent simulator training over 15 times at 3 other facilities across the country. Rick and Mike are both excellent instructors. I was very pleased with the motion simulator. I intend to return to AST for all of my future recurrent training.
Tim Frets
N674PC 1978 C340A RAM IV
I just returned from 2-day recurrent training with Rick and Mike at AST. I agree 100% with what has been said about the training. My first time in a simulator and it was humbling to learn what I didn’t really know about engine out performance and procedures. When I left AST
yesterday I was confident I could handle an engine out. If there are certain situations or airports you want to explore Rick will help teach you how to handle the plane in those situations. If you are a little rusty hand flying approaches, they will get you tuned up and have you flying single engine approaches with confidence. As Rick likes to say he will help eliminate the pucker factor. I am already looking forward to next year. I learned a lot and I highly recommend AST.
1982 Cessna 421C, 2007 Cessna T206H
I had an excellent experience flying with Rick and AST. Even though I’m an MEI, I was excited to try out the sim and was not disappointed. Rick is an excellent teacher and I would highly recommend spending time with him. I was out of twin flying for many years and this was what I needed. It was great to be able to put in the exact scenarios I felt I needed work in, in my type airplane, at the airports I regularly fly out of. If you are going to the convention in Marble Falls, I suggest stopping by AST in Burnet and checking it out.
Rick McGuire knows these Twin Cessna aircraft from nose to tail. He will teach you not only how to properly fly them but how to maintain them and what to look for emergency wise in the air.
First class training in the 421. I got tired of having the “book” read to me and not having a good simulator. These guys know these airplanes and everything is a discussion with a question, answer session. I will be back.
Best Aviation Safety Investment in years! Say goodbye to the national aircraft simulator training folks. Let’s face it: the big companies focus on the clients with big jets. They either have outdated, malfunctioning simulators, and/or low time instructors that have little or no experience in piston twins.
Hands down, Aircraft Simulator Training has the best equipment, and by far the best training for those of us with piston twins. Their motion simulator is state of the art. Their instructors have thousands of hours of real world experience. I can say without question, working with these folks gave me the best general aviation training experience in over 8,000 hours of flying. I can unequivocally recommend them to anyone.
Jon Gibson
Commercial Real Estate Developer
I was sweating bullets, but I learned the proper way to keep my 310 in the air on one engine.
Taking it to Airline Standards
Pilots who fly twins need to be at airline standards. Being at airline standards requires that you are able to do everything in the cockpit, not outside. You cannot handle an emergency procedure correctly by working in the cockpit and then outside the cockpit. It will distract you and defeat the purpose, that being stabilizing the aircraft and controlling the problem.
Custom training
We build custom training to fit you and your level of experience.