We actually own a 340 and a 421C. We have flown these aircraft and taught in these aircraft for years. The picture shows Chuck, one of our premier instructors, flying to the east side of Houston to our other facility. The beginning of the day was all IFR with a 200 ft ceiling and ½ mile visibility. A quick climb out and left turn on course and climb to 13,000 feet in the soup.
We spent half a day at our other office and set our flight plan back to BMQ with thunderstorms building. We had the roughest, on the radar, on the Nexrad, day we have had in years.
We fly weather and we train you for weather. We put our “money where our mouth is” and teach you how to manage these large airplanes and shoot approaches to minimums.
Our trip back this day was on radar most of the time having to deviate 50 miles to the north of our departure airport to circumvent weather all the while it built up on the gulf coast.
Train hard, fly safe.